Love, Joy, Peace...

Our "By His Grace" Food Pantry is held every Monday from 5:30 to 7 p.m. No eligibility conditions required.

Everyone is also invited to bring your family to join us for our free community breakfast on Sunday mornings at 9 a.m. and our free community supper every Thursday evening at 6 p.m., with Bible study and prayer service to follow.

Please contact the church office with any questions at 830-947-3333.


Our partnership with Daily Bread Ministries (DBM) provides the bulk of our supply of food which supports both our food pantry distribution and our church meals. This partnership is exciting because DBM fully embraces our mutual mission to share the gospel with families in our communities.

Pantry info:

§  DBM food supply is donated free to FBCSS, and includes fresh produce, meal items, drinks and snacks and dry goods. Food supply from DBM is picked up by volunteers (2-person team or a family) once a week in NE San Antonio at 7:30 a.m. on Mondays.

§  Food distribution to pantry visitors is on Mondays weekly, from 5:30-7 p.m.

We welcome our local growers and companies to consider supporting the pantry with food items.

VOLUNTEER: Since food pantry distribution is held in the evening, members who aren't available during the workday are available to help welcome, serve and minister to pantry visitors; as well as easy, one-hour slots to open the pantry to receive food donation drop-offs. DBM food pickups is best for a 2-person team or a family to volunteer to help once per month or more. If you are interested in becoming a pantry volunteer, please call the church office at (830) 947-3333 to get on the list for the next orientation and training. 

HELP WITH FOOD: We ask that members who have the resources and are able to bless the pantry with food donations to consider some harder-to-get dairy and meat items, and as always, canned and dry goods. We will have the pantry open to receive food donations prior to Sunday and Thursday services, either for deliveries or drop off of perishable items. There is a flyer on the bulletin board in the fellowship hall that has some ideas of what food items would be helpful, as well as drop off/delivery info. The pantry is open to receive donated food items at the following times:

Mondays: 4:30-5 p.m.

Thursdays: 6-6:30 p.m.

Sundays: 9-9:30 a.m.

*Our pantry no longer operates a clothes closet and we are not able to accept any donated clothing, housewares or other non-food items. Please plan to bring donated food items during the times the pantry is open to receive them and please do not leave any items outside the pantry.

Food Pantry Visitors Info:

In 2023, we had an average of 73 families visit the pantry each week (avg. 250 people) and have had over 350 new families visit the pantry during this time. While the need is great and the number of families God is providing for through our ministry is growing, most importantly, we are sharing God with visiting families, inviting everyone to join us for fellowship at church meals, prayer services and worship services, and many families have visited our church for the first time because they are being invited to join us. Plus, many have also joined us to volunteer to share in the effort to pick up and unload food or stock shelves.