Love, Joy, Peace...

Our church has a long history, beginning in 1926, of bringing people to Christ, serving the community and being a faithful lighthouse of God’s Word.


You may also visit the Sutherland Springs Historical Museum page, where Ms. Barbara J. Wood as collected some great photos of our church’s past. Much of the timeline below was derived from Ms. Barbara J. Wood’s “A Time to Seek The Lord 1926-1996“, a historical resume Ms. Wood compiled to preserve the history of our church.


1851 – Dr. John Sutherland home place – “The limestone cistern on the north side of First Baptist Church Sutherland Springs is the last remaining relic of the Doctor John Sutherland home place. The large concrete block protecting the opening of the cistern is a slab of the sidewalk from Hotel Sutherland.” Credit: A Time To Seek The Lord, Barbara J. Wood


May 1919 – Alto Frio Baptist Encampment – 1909 “The Executive Committee of the Southwest Texas Baptist Workers Conference chose Sutherland Springs to establish Baptist Encampment, Chautauga. The reasons given for Sutherland Springs were for the most beautiful scenery and trees in Texas, the beautiful Cibolo, inspiring mineral waters. Baptist Encampment, Chautauga never achieved the greatness planned. It has been speculated that the reason was the destructive flood of October 11, 1913. “A committee on May 30, 1919, heartily endorsed the location and establishment of an encampment at Leakey, Texas known as Alto Frio Baptist Encampment. The Encampment was for Baptists of the entire Southwest Texas area. The beautiful, spirit-filled Alto Frio Baptist Encampment meet the criteria of the earlier designed Sutherland Springs Baptist Encampment” Credit: A Time To Seek The Lord, Barbara J. Wood


1926 – Pastor – Sam Zook and/or H.C. Reddoch…


1926 – Origins of First Baptist Church of Sutherland Springs – Per 50-year anniversary photo found on the Sutherland Springs Historical Museum page. “1976 The 50th Anniversary of the Sutherland Springs First Baptist Church. Pastors and People who attended the church from years past came and celebrated.”


1949 – 1950 – Pastor – W.C. Binford


Feb 1949 – Construction of the sanctuary – “The new church building cost five-thousand six-hundred twenty-four dollars. The membership persevered in their labor of seeking the Lord. In 1949 they found themselves in another building program…they tore down the old church building. They met in the Old Town Sutherland Springs School Gymnasium for worship services until the new church was raised. With most of the lumber from the old church and a grant from the Baptist General Convention of Texas, they built a beautiful House of Worship. This new, present day, church was completed in September 1949.” Credit: A Time To Seek The Lord, Barbara J. Wood


1955 – Baptistry oil painting is completed.


1960 – Frosted windowpanes installed


August 1973 – September 1980 – Pastor – Lindell Ferguson


1974 – Sanctuary oak paneling and suspended ceiling installed


1980 – Duplex added – This is where the church secretary and storage rooms currently reside (January 2022), Per photo found on Sutherland Springs Historical Museum page.


June 1982 – Dec 1985 – Pastor – Glenn Howard


1983 – Church Bell – “The first Sutherland Springs Baptist Church (1926) had such a bell. The bell was cast iron and in the characteristic bell shape. No one recalls where the bell came. In 1949, when the present-day church was built, the bell was not moved…” It is currently privately owned. “The bell in the present church was a gift from Edgar Besch in 1983. It came from the vacated Sutherland Springs Methodist Church. Credit: A Time To Seek The Lord, Barbara Wood. 26 Aug 1911 - “Sutherland Springs Texas First Presbyterian Church was located in New Town that is across the Cibolo Creek high water bridge on FM 539. It is said that the bell that rang many years in the Sutherland Springs Methodist Church came from the Presbyterian Church which had a bell tower. The bell now is resting in the tower of the new First Baptist Church of Sutherland Springs. If these bells are the same, it is over a hundred years old.” Credit: the Wilson County Historical Society website.


October 1986 – July 1992 – Pastor – Charles Jennings


April 1990 – Dedication of Williard B. Mills Fellowship Hall – This is currently the Youth Building (January 2022), per photos found on Sutherland Springs Historical Museum page.


June 2002 – September 2022 – Pastor – Frank Pomeroy


December 2006 – First Baptist Church Sutherland Springs Annual Toy Run Begins! Pastor Pomeroy believes this is the first year the toy run was held. This toy runs delivers not only toys, but clothing, and needs and gifts for each specific child. As of December 2022, First Baptist Church Sutherland Springs continues this tradition.


November 5, 2017 – A day that will be remembered, prayed over, and each of these individuals honored. Twenty-six lives were lost this day. Each of these people will always have a place in the hearts of First Baptist Church Sutherland Springs: Sara Johnson – 68, Dennis Johnson – 77, Lula White – 71, Annabelle Pomeroy – 14, Haley Krueger – 16, Bryan Holcombe – 60, Karla Holcombe – 58, Danny Holcombe – 36, Noah Holcombe – 17mo, Crystal Holcombe – 36, Baby Holcombe, Emily Hill – 11, Megan Hill – 9, Greg Hill – 13, Tara McNulty – 33. Richard Rodriguez – 64, Theresa Rodriguez – 66, Robert Corrigan – 51, Shani Corrigan – 51, Joann Ward – 30, Brooke Ward – 5, Emily Garza – 7, Robert ‘Scott’ Marshall – 56, Karen Marshall – 56, Peggy Lynn Warden – 56, Keith Allen Braden – 62


May 19, 2019 – Dedication of our new (current) worship center – From our newsletter, The Witness, May 2019 ” The entire Sutherland Springs community is invited and welcome to join us May 19th at 11 a.m. as we dedicate our new worship center and education building, and all God is doing at First Baptist Sutherland Springs.”


October 2021 – Purchase of Sweet Spirit Baptist Church – An opportunity was offered to First Baptist Church of Sutherland Springs to purchase the former Sweet Spirit Baptist Church facility at 15535 Miller Road, St. Hedwig. After much prayer, discussion, and a membership vote, the decision was made to purchase this facility.


Apr 9-15, 2021 – Kick off of First Baptist Church Sutherland Springs – North Campus – (formerly Sweet Spirit Baptist Church). The Kickoff was held Saturday, April 9 with a car and motorcycle show, free BBQ, a bouncy house and more. Current parishioners greeted members of the local community.


Sep 25, 2022 – Pastor Frank Pomeroy Retired. After 20 years of dedicated service to First Baptist Church of Sutherland Spring, Pastor Frank and his amazing wife Sherri feel that God is calling their ministry in a different direction. As the heart and soul of FBCSS they will truly be missed.